Medical Marijuana

A Closer Look at Medical Marijuana

For those who are unsure of what medical marijuana is, it is basically the same as regular marijuana, but the only difference is that it is fully legal. As such, medical marijuana is marijuana that has been obtained through legal means. You might be wondering how to get medical marijuana and if that is the case then there are a few additional things that you should know. Medical marijuana can only be obtained legally with a doctor's prescription, and to get this prescription you will need to have a condition or disease for which your doctor agrees medical marijuana could be beneficial for.

Once you get your doctor's prescription, then you may also have to submit an application to Health Canada. There are a lot of steps involved in getting medical marijuana, but once you have your license then you will be free to use it as you see fit. You can also get a grower's license that actually allows you to legally grow marijuana within your own property, so this is another option to look into if you would prefer to grow rather than purchase from a third party supplier you do not know.

November 30, 2022
Medical Marijuana

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Medical Marijuana


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