Medical Marijuana

What is medical marijuana and how to get it

People want to get marijuana for the wrong reasons. This drug is something that is only legal, under certain conditions in some states. There has been a very long debate, regarding the use of this drug and the issue if legalizing it will be a wise decision. Until today this debate still continues to carry on, and no clear decision has been made.

We cannot deny the benefits that, this drug eases the suffering of terminal patients. However, do the benefits outweigh the harmful side-effects, which come along with this drug? One of the benefits of marijuana is the way it helps control the nausea, of cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. It contains tetrahydrocannabinol, which acts as a mild analgesic. This chemical affects the part of the brain, which is controlled by anandamide. It is believed that it is a neurotransmitter, which affects pain sensation, sleep and even the memory.

Only certain states in the United States will be allowed to sell marijuana. You will need to have a serious medical condition, to receive a permit to purchase medical marijuana. The benefit of this drug has shown that marijuana takes less of a toll on the liver, kidneys and other organs compared to other drugs on the market.

December 1, 2022
Medical Marijuana

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Medical Marijuana


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